What is Blue Sandstone? Meaning and Healing Properties

Blue sandstone (also known as blue goldstone) is a beautiful and unique crystal that has captured the attention of many people around the world.

What is Blue Sandstone? Meaning and Healing Properties

This stunning crystal is known for its blue color and shimmering appearance, and it has a fascinating history and many interesting properties.

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about blue sandstone, including its meaning, healing properties, and how to use it.

Whether you are a seasoned crystal enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of crystals, this article will provide you with valuable insights and information about blue sandstone.

So, let’s dive in and discover the magic of blue sandstone!

What is Blue Sandstone?

Blue sandstone is a type of crystal that is made from quartz sand, which is mixed with other minerals such as copper or gold. The result is a beautiful blue stone that has a sparkling appearance, similar to that of a starry night sky. Blue sandstone is also known as “blue goldstone” or “stardust,” and it is often used in jewelry and decorative items.

The origins of blue sandstone can be traced back to the 17th century, when it was first created by Italian glassmakers. They discovered that by adding copper shavings to molten glass, they could create a unique and beautiful material that had a shimmering appearance. Over time, this material evolved into the blue sandstone that we know today.

Blue sandstone is found in various parts of the world, including Italy, Russia, and China. It is a relatively rare crystal, which makes it highly valued by crystal enthusiasts and collectors. In the next section, we will explore the meaning and properties of blue sandstone in more detail.

How is Blue Sandstone Made?

Blue sandstone is a man-made crystal that is created by mixing quartz sand with other minerals such as copper or gold. The process of making blue sandstone involves heating the mixture to a high temperature until it melts and then allowing it to cool down slowly. As the mixture cools, it solidifies into a hard, crystalline material that has a unique and beautiful appearance.

The exact process of making blue sandstone can vary depending on the manufacturer and the desired final product. Some manufacturers may add other minerals or dyes to the mixture to create different colors or effects. Others may use different heating and cooling methods to achieve different textures or patterns.

Despite its man-made origins, blue sandstone is still highly valued by crystal enthusiasts and collectors. Its unique appearance and powerful properties make it a popular choice for jewelry, decorative items, and spiritual practices.

Blue Sandstone Metaphysical Properties

Blue sandstone is believed to have many metaphysical properties that make it a powerful crystal for healing and spiritual practices. One of the most notable properties of blue sandstone is its ability to open and balance the throat chakra. This energy center is responsible for communication, self-expression, and creativity, and when it is blocked or imbalanced, individuals may struggle with expressing themselves or communicating effectively.

Blue sandstone is also believed to promote calmness and relaxation, making it a helpful crystal for reducing stress and anxiety. It is said to help quiet the mind and promote mental clarity and focus, helping individuals to stay grounded and centered in the present moment. In addition, blue sandstone is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, helping individuals to connect with their higher selves and tap into their inner wisdom.

Physically, blue sandstone is believed to have a positive effect on the immune system, helping to boost overall health and well-being. It is said to help improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy digestion. Blue sandstone is also believed to be helpful for individuals who suffer from chronic pain or fatigue, as it can help reduce symptoms and promote a sense of vitality and energy.

There are different types of blue sandstone available, each with its own unique properties. For example, goldstone is a type of blue sandstone that is infused with copper, giving it a warm and inviting energy. K2 blue granite is another type of blue sandstone that is found in the K2 mountain range in Pakistan. It is believed to have a powerful energy that can help individuals connect with their higher selves and tap into their inner wisdom.

Blue Sandstone Benefits

Blue sandstone is known for its many benefits and is often used for healing and spiritual practices. Some of the most notable benefits of blue sandstone include:

  • Promotes calmness and relaxation: Blue sandstone is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Enhances communication and self-expression: Blue sandstone is said to help open and balance the throat chakra, enabling individuals to communicate more effectively and express themselves more clearly.
  • Boosts the immune system: Blue sandstone is believed to have a positive effect on the immune system, helping to promote overall health and well-being.
  • Enhances intuition and psychic abilities: Blue sandstone is said to help individuals connect with their higher selves and tap into their inner wisdom, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Promotes mental clarity and focus: Blue sandstone is believed to help quiet the mind and promote mental clarity and focus, helping individuals to stay grounded and centered in the present moment.
  • Reduces chronic pain and fatigue: Blue sandstone is said to be helpful for individuals who suffer from chronic pain or fatigue, as it can help reduce symptoms and promote a sense of vitality and energy.

How to Use Blue Sandstone

Blue sandstone can be used in a variety of ways for healing and spiritual purposes. Here are some of the most common ways to use blue sandstone:

  • Wear blue sandstone jewelry: Blue sandstone jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, and rings, can be worn to help promote calmness and relaxation, enhance communication and self-expression, and boost the immune system.
  • Place blue sandstone in your home: Blue sandstone can be placed in different areas of your home to help promote a calming and peaceful environment. For example, you can place blue sandstone in your bedroom to promote restful sleep, or in your living room to promote relaxation and tranquility.
  • Meditate with blue sandstone: Blue sandstone can be used during meditation to help quiet the mind and enhance intuition and psychic abilities. You can hold a piece of blue sandstone in your hand or place it on your third eye chakra during meditation.
  • Carry blue sandstone with you: Blue sandstone can be carried with you in your pocket or purse to help promote calmness and relaxation, enhance communication and self-expression, and boost the immune system.
  • Use blue sandstone in crystal grids: Blue sandstone can be used in crystal grids to help enhance the energy of other crystals and promote a specific intention or goal.

How to Cleanse Blue Sandstone

Like all crystals, blue sandstone needs to be cleansed and charged regularly to ensure that it maintains its energy and effectiveness. Here are some ways to cleanse blue sandstone:

  1. Water: Blue sandstone can be cleansed by holding it under running water for a few minutes. Make sure to dry it thoroughly afterward to prevent any damage.
  2. Saltwater: Blue sandstone can also be cleansed by soaking it in saltwater for a few hours. Make sure to rinse it thoroughly afterward to remove any salt residue.
  3. Smudging: Blue sandstone can be cleansed by smudging it with sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. Simply hold the blue sandstone in the smoke of the burning herbs for a few minutes.
  4. Sunlight and Moonlight: Blue sandstone can be cleansed by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This method is particularly effective during a full moon.
  5. Sound: Blue sandstone can be cleansed by using sound, such as a singing bowl or tuning fork. Simply hold the blue sandstone near the sound source and allow the vibrations to cleanse it.

It is important to note that some cleansing methods may not be suitable for all types of blue sandstone. For example, some types of blue sandstone may be sensitive to water or saltwater, so it is important to research the specific type of blue sandstone you have before cleansing it.

How to Charge Blue Sandstone

In addition to cleansing, blue sandstone also needs to be charged regularly to ensure that it maintains its energy and effectiveness. Here are some ways to charge blue sandstone:

  • Sunlight and Moonlight: Blue sandstone can be charged by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This method is particularly effective during a full moon.
  • Earth: Blue sandstone can be charged by burying it in the earth for a few days. This method is particularly effective for grounding and stabilizing the energy of blue sandstone.
  • Other crystals: Blue sandstone can be charged by placing it on a larger crystal, such as amethyst or clear quartz, for a few hours. This method is particularly effective for amplifying the energy of blue sandstone.
  • Intention: Blue sandstone can be charged by holding it in your hand and setting an intention for its use. Simply focus on the energy you wish to infuse into the blue sandstone and visualize it filling the crystal.

It is important to note that some charging methods may not be suitable for all types of blue sandstone. For example, some types of blue sandstone may be sensitive to sunlight or other charging methods, so it is important to research the specific type of blue sandstone you have before charging it.

Tips for Working with Blue Sandstone

Working with blue sandstone can be a powerful tool for enhancing your overall health and well-being. Here are some tips for working with blue sandstone:

  • Set an intention: Before using blue sandstone, it can be helpful to set an intention for its use. This can help to focus your energy and amplify the healing properties of the crystal.
  • Trust your intuition: When working with blue sandstone, it is important to trust your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by your inner wisdom. This can help you to connect more deeply with the energy of the crystal and receive its healing benefits.
  • Use it regularly: To experience the full benefits of blue sandstone, it is important to use it regularly. This can help to build a stronger connection with the crystal and amplify its healing properties over time.
  • Combine it with other crystals: Blue sandstone can be combined with other crystals to enhance its energy and promote specific intentions or goals. For example, it can be combined with amethyst to promote relaxation and calmness, or with clear quartz to amplify its energy.
  • Keep it cleansed and charged: To ensure that blue sandstone maintains its energy and effectiveness, it is important to cleanse and charge it regularly. This can help to remove any negative energy and amplify its healing properties.


In conclusion, blue sandstone is a powerful crystal that has many benefits for healing and spiritual practices. Its ability to promote calmness and relaxation, enhance communication and self-expression, boost the immune system, enhance intuition and psychic abilities, promote mental clarity and focus, and reduce chronic pain and fatigue make it a valuable tool for individuals seeking to improve their overall health and well-being.

By using blue sandstone in a variety of ways, such as wearing it as jewelry, placing it in your home, meditating with it, carrying it with you, or using it in crystal grids, you can tap into its healing properties and experience its many benefits. However, it is important to remember to cleanse and charge blue sandstone regularly to ensure that it maintains its energy and effectiveness.

Whether you are new to working with crystals or are a seasoned practitioner, blue sandstone is a valuable addition to any healing or spiritual practice. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can work with blue sandstone to enhance your overall health and well-being and tap into its powerful energy.

Hi guys. My name is Anne, and I am the co-writer on Primal Pendants. I am a personal stylist and single mother of two beautiful girls. Besides working in fashion and being a mother, I am a very spiritual person and I have a deep interest in astrology and gemstones.

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