Caribbean Calcite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits – A Comprehensive Guide

Caribbean Calcite is a beautiful and unique crystal that has recently gained popularity in the world of healing stones. This crystal is a combination of blue and white calcite, and is found only in the Dominican Republic. Its stunning appearance and powerful properties have made it a favorite among crystal enthusiasts and healers alike.

Caribbean Calcite: Meaning, Healing Properties & Benefits 
A Comprehensive Guide

Caribbean Calcite has a rich history and is believed to have been used by the ancient Taino people of the Dominican Republic for spiritual and healing purposes. Today, it is known for its ability to enhance communication, promote emotional healing, and provide a sense of peace and tranquility. Its metaphysical properties are said to help with meditation, astral travel, and connecting with higher realms of consciousness.

If you are looking to incorporate Caribbean Calcite into your crystal collection or healing practice, it is important to understand its meaning, healing properties, and benefits. In this article, we will explore the history and overview of Caribbean Calcite, its metaphysical properties, how to use it, stone combinations, cleansing methods, and its connection to the zodiac. Whether you are a seasoned crystal healer or just starting out, Caribbean Calcite is a powerful and versatile crystal that can bring balance and harmony to your life.

History & Overview

Caribbean Calcite is a relatively new crystal that was discovered in the Dominican Republic in 2019. It is a unique combination of blue calcite and brown aragonite, and its striking blue and white patterns make it a highly sought-after crystal for collectors and healers alike.

The formation of Caribbean Calcite is believed to be the result of volcanic activity in the region, which created the ideal conditions for the growth of these two minerals. The crystal is found in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small tumbled stones to large, raw chunks.

Since its discovery, Caribbean Calcite has quickly gained popularity in the crystal community due to its powerful healing properties and unique aesthetic. It is said to have a calming energy that can help soothe anxiety and promote emotional healing, as well as enhance communication and creativity.

ColorBlue and white
ChakraThroat, third eye
ElementWater, air
Crystal SystemTrigonal

Caribbean Calcite is a powerful crystal that can be used in a variety of ways, from meditation and energy healing to home decor and jewelry making. Its unique combination of blue calcite and brown aragonite gives it a distinctive appearance that makes it a beautiful addition to any crystal collection.


Caribbean Calcite is a relatively new crystal that has recently been discovered in the Dominican Republic. It is a combination of blue calcite and brown aragonite, which gives it a unique appearance and powerful energy.

The blue calcite in Caribbean Calcite is known for its soothing and calming properties, while the brown aragonite is associated with grounding and stability. Together, these two minerals create a powerful crystal that can help with spiritual awakening, emotional healing, and transformation.

Caribbean Calcite is also known for its ability to enhance communication and self-expression. It can help you speak your truth and communicate your thoughts and feelings effectively. This crystal is also associated with the throat chakra, which is the energy center that governs communication and self-expression.

ColorBlue and Brown
ChakraThroat Chakra
Zodiac SignCancer, Pisces
ElementWater, Earth

Healing Properties & Benefits

Caribbean Calcite is known for its powerful healing properties and benefits. This stone has a soothing energy that can help calm the mind and alleviate anxiety and stress. It is believed to bring emotional healing and help release negative emotions, allowing for greater self-expression and creativity.

Caribbean Calcite is also said to have physical healing properties, particularly in the areas of the throat, lungs, and respiratory system. It is believed to help with issues such as asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. Additionally, Caribbean Calcite is said to promote healthy skin and hair.

Metaphysically, Caribbean Calcite is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. It is said to help connect one with the higher self and facilitate communication with spirit guides and angels. This stone is also believed to aid in meditation and enhance psychic abilities.

Healing PropertiesBenefits
Soothes the mindCalms anxiety and stress
Emotional healingAllows for greater self-expression and creativity
Physical healingHelps with respiratory problems and promotes healthy skin and hair
Metaphysical propertiesEnhances spiritual awareness and intuition, aids in meditation and enhances psychic abilities

Overall, Caribbean Calcite is a powerful stone with many healing properties and benefits. Whether you are looking to calm your mind, heal emotional wounds, or enhance your spiritual awareness, this stone may be able to help.

Metaphysical Properties

Caribbean Calcite is a powerful crystal that has a range of metaphysical properties. It is believed to help with spiritual awakening, emotional understanding, and transformation. This stone is said to be particularly useful for those who are seeking to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world.

Caribbean Calcite is also believed to help with communication, both with oneself and with others. It is thought to promote clear and effective communication, as well as to help with self-expression and creativity.

Additionally, Caribbean Calcite is said to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body. It is believed to help with anxiety and stress, as well as to promote a sense of peace and relaxation.

Metaphysical PropertiesBenefits
Spiritual AwakeningHelps gain a deeper understanding of oneself and the world
CommunicationPromotes clear and effective communication, helps with self-expression and creativity
Calming and SoothingHelps with anxiety and stress, promotes a sense of peace and relaxation

Overall, Caribbean Calcite is a powerful crystal with a range of metaphysical properties. It is believed to help with spiritual awakening, emotional understanding, communication, and relaxation. Whether you are looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself or to promote a sense of calm and peace in your life, Caribbean Calcite may be a useful crystal to incorporate into your spiritual practice.

How To Use Caribbean Calcite

Caribbean Calcite is a versatile stone that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions for how to use it:

  • Hold it during meditation to help clear your mind and connect with your inner self.
  • Place it in your home or office to promote a calming and peaceful environment.
  • Wear it as jewelry to keep its energy close to you throughout the day.
  • Use it in crystal grids to amplify its healing properties.

There are many ways to use Caribbean Calcite, and it is up to you to find what works best for you. Below is a table with some additional information on how to use this stone:

Chakra HealingPlace Caribbean Calcite on the corresponding chakra to help balance and align it.
Emotional HealingHold Caribbean Calcite during times of emotional distress to promote understanding and healing.
ManifestationUse Caribbean Calcite in manifestation rituals to help bring your desires into reality.
Spiritual GrowthUse Caribbean Calcite during spiritual practices to help deepen your connection to the divine.

Remember to cleanse your Caribbean Calcite regularly to keep its energy clear and vibrant. You can do this by holding it under running water, smudging it with sage or palo santo, or placing it in sunlight or moonlight.

Overall, Caribbean Calcite is a powerful stone with many uses and benefits. Whether you are looking to promote healing, spiritual growth, or simply create a peaceful environment, this stone can help you achieve your goals.

Stone Combinations

Caribbean Calcite is a versatile stone that can be combined with other crystals to enhance its healing properties.

Stone CombinationBenefits
Caribbean Calcite + AmethystEnhances spiritual awareness, promotes deep relaxation, and intuition
Caribbean Calcite + Rose QuartzPromotes self-love, healing, emotional balance, and compassion
Caribbean Calcite + SeleniteCleanses energy, removes blockages, and promotes mental clarity
Caribbean Calcite + Clear QuartzAmplifies energy, enhances healing properties, and promotes mental clarity

Remember that stone combinations are personal and subjective. You can experiment with different crystals and find the combination that works best for you. Always trust your intuition and listen to your body’s needs.


Caribbean Calcite is a powerful crystal that can absorb negative energies and emotions. To keep it working at its best, it is important to cleanse it regularly. Here are some ways to cleanse Caribbean Calcite:

  • Place it under running water for a few minutes
  • Leave it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours
  • Smudge it with sage or palo santo

It is important to note that Caribbean Calcite is a delicate crystal and should not be soaked in water or exposed to harsh chemicals.

Cleansing MethodHow Often
Running WaterWeekly
SmudgingAs Needed

Regular cleansing will help Caribbean Calcite maintain its healing properties and benefits.

Zodiac Connection

Caribbean Calcite is a powerful gemstone that is associated with several zodiac signs. It is said to be beneficial for those born under the signs of Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Pisces. Cancer is known for being intuitive and emotional, and Caribbean Calcite can help enhance these qualities. It can also help calm their emotions and promote inner peace. Taurus is known for being grounded and practical, and Caribbean Calcite can help enhance these qualities. It can also help them connect with their spiritual side and promote inner growth. Libra is known for being balanced and harmonious, and Caribbean Calcite can help enhance these qualities. It can also help them connect with their intuition and promote emotional balance. Pisces is known for being creative and spiritual, and Caribbean Calcite can help enhance these qualities. It can also help them connect with their emotions and promote inner healing.

Zodiac SignsBenefits of Caribbean Calcite
CancerEnhances intuition and emotional balance
TaurusEnhances practicality and spiritual growth
LibraEnhances balance and emotional harmony
PiscesEnhances creativity and inner healing

Caribbean Calcite is a versatile gemstone that can benefit people of all zodiac signs. Whether you are looking to enhance your intuition, connect with your spirituality, or promote emotional balance, Caribbean Calcite can help you achieve your goals.

Hi guys. My name is Anne, and I am the co-writer on Primal Pendants. I am a personal stylist and single mother of two beautiful girls. Besides working in fashion and being a mother, I am a very spiritual person and I have a deep interest in astrology and gemstones.

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