Lapis Lazuli: Who Should and Shouldn’t Wear It?

Well hello there, fellow fashionistas! Are you looking to add a touch of class to your wardrobe?

Lapis Lazuli: Who Should and Shouldn't Wear It?

Then you might have heard of lapis lazuli, the gorgeous blue stone that’s been used in jewelry for centuries. But before you go rushing off to the store to snag a necklace or bracelet, you might want to hold up a minute. You see, not everyone is cut out to wear lapis lazuli. That’s right, just like some people can’t pull off neon orange, some people should steer clear of this pretty blue gem. So, who exactly shouldn’t wear lapis lazuli? Hold onto your designer hats, because I’m about to spill the tea.

What is Lapis Lazuli?

So, what the heck is lapis lazuli, anyway? Is it a fancy pasta dish? A new type of designer coffee?

Nope, it’s actually a stunning blue gemstone that’s been used in jewelry and art for centuries.

Lapis lazuli is a type of rock made up of several minerals, including lazurite, sodalite, and pyrite, and is prized for its deep, rich blue color. Fun fact: The name “lapis lazuli” comes from the Latin word for “stone” (lapis) and the Persian word for “blue” (lazhuward).

Physical properties

Now, lapis lazuli isn’t just a pretty face – it also has some interesting physical properties. For one thing, it’s a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness of 5 to 6. That means it’s not the most durable gemstone out there, and can scratch or chip if it’s not treated with care. Lapis lazuli also has a distinctive smell – some people describe it as a bit like sulfur or garlic. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s definitely a unique feature!


But lapis lazuli isn’t just a trendy gemstone – it’s got a long and fascinating history. The ancient Egyptians prized lapis lazuli and used it to make jewelry, amulets, and even cosmetic powder. In fact, King Tut’s death mask was inlaid with lapis lazuli! The ancient Sumerians and Babylonians also used lapis lazuli in art and jewelry, and it was a popular stone in ancient Greece and Rome as well. In the Middle Ages, lapis lazuli was ground up to create ultramarine pigment, which was used in paintings to create a vivid blue color. So, as you can see, lapis lazuli has been around for a long time and has played an important role in human history.

lapis lazuli

Who Should Wear Lapis Lazuli?

Okay, so we know that not everyone should be rocking lapis lazuli – but who should? Well, according to some folks who are into alternative medicine and crystal healing, lapis lazuli has some pretty nifty properties that could benefit certain people. For example, lapis lazuli is believed to enhance communication and self-expression – so if you’re someone who needs to give presentations, speak in public, or just express yourself more clearly, lapis lazuli might be your new best friend.

Of course, it’s not just about what lapis lazuli can do for you – it’s also about how you can wear it. Lapis lazuli can be incorporated into all sorts of jewelry and accessories, from necklaces and bracelets to earrings and rings. And hey, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you could even rock a lapis lazuli hair accessory or a pair of lapis lazuli-encrusted shoes (okay, maybe not, but you get the idea). One popular way to wear lapis lazuli is in a simple pendant necklace – it’s a classic look that can dress up any outfit without going over the top.

So, if you’re someone who wants to improve your communication skills or just add a touch of blue to your look, lapis lazuli might be worth considering. Just remember to choose a piece of jewelry that fits your style and personality, and to take good care of it – remember, lapis lazuli is a relatively soft stone and can be scratched or chipped if it’s not treated with care.

Who Should Not Wear Lapis Lazuli?

As much as we love lapis lazuli, it’s not for everyone – and some people might want to think twice before wearing it. If you have a sensitivity to copper or sulfur, for example, you might want to steer clear of lapis lazuli. Why? Because lapis lazuli contains both of these minerals, and some people can have a reaction to them. Copper, in particular, can cause a green discoloration on the skin – and that’s not exactly a good look.

But even if you don’t have a sensitivity to copper or sulfur, there are a few other potential side effects of wearing lapis lazuli that you should be aware of. For one thing, lapis lazuli is a relatively soft stone, and can be scratched or chipped if it’s not treated with care. So if you’re someone who’s hard on your jewelry (or you just like to toss it around), lapis lazuli might not be the best choice for you.

Another potential issue with lapis lazuli is that it can fade over time, especially if it’s exposed to sunlight or chemicals. This can be a bummer if you’ve invested in a pricey piece of lapis lazuli jewelry, only to have it lose its vibrant blue color after a few months. So if you want to keep your lapis lazuli looking its best, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place, and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals or direct sunlight.

In short, if you have a sensitivity to copper or sulfur, or you’re someone who’s rough on your jewelry, lapis lazuli might not be the best choice for you. And if you do decide to wear lapis lazuli, just be aware of the potential side effects – but hey, if you’re willing to take the risk for the sake of fashion, more power to you!

lapis lazuli


Well, there you have it, folks – everything you ever wanted to know (and probably more than you wanted to know) about lapis lazuli.

To recap: lapis lazuli is a stunning blue gemstone with a long and fascinating history, but it’s not for everyone. People who have a sensitivity to copper or sulfur might want to avoid wearing lapis lazuli, and those who are hard on their jewelry might want to choose a more durable stone. On the other hand, if you’re someone who wants to enhance your communication skills or add a touch of blue to your look, lapis lazuli might be worth considering. Just be sure to take good care of it, and store it in a cool, dry place to avoid fading.

So, who should wear lapis lazuli? It’s ultimately up to you, but if you’re someone who’s interested in alternative medicine and crystal healing, or you just love the look of blue gemstones, lapis lazuli could be a good choice. And if you’re someone who’s on the fence, we encourage you to consult with a medical professional before wearing lapis lazuli if you have any concerns or medical conditions.

In any case, we hope this article has been informative (and maybe a little bit entertaining) for you. Whether you decide to wear lapis lazuli or not, just remember to always rock your personal style with confidence – because at the end of the day, that’s what truly shines.

Hi guys. My name is Anne, and I am the co-writer on Primal Pendants. I am a personal stylist and single mother of two beautiful girls. Besides working in fashion and being a mother, I am a very spiritual person and I have a deep interest in astrology and gemstones.

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